Renault Trafic Center Console

With a center console for the Renault Trafic, you invest in user-friendly storage space. On the go and on location. With two top models, you're definitely installing a high-quality accessory. So, what are you waiting for? Order your favorite Renault center console now.

From € 255.26 tax incl.
€ 214.50 tax excl. 255.25 EUR
From € 255.26 tax incl.
€ 214.50 tax excl. 255.25 EUR

Which Center Console Suits You?

While the all-round model leans entirely on functionality, the luxury version also pays much attention to visual finishing. Want to know which model suits you best? Read all about the key differences.

How Do You Want to Organize the Storage Space?

Both consoles come with ample storage space. The difference lies in the role of the passengers. Do you mainly drive alone in the Trafic? Then you'll benefit more from the single storage compartment of the luxury console. Additionally, at the front of the accessory, you'll find a discreetly hidden cup holder and on top of the lid, two storage compartments. So, everything you need is within reach. If you regularly take colleagues to a job, we recommend the all-round console. Your colleagues will especially appreciate the four cup holders and two spacious storage compartments. Moreover, the central storage compartment is divided into two compartments, so there's also space for the co-driver's belongings. Wonderfully efficient.

Choose Convenience or Protection

Do you regularly carry expensive electronics and important documents to a job? Then the all-round center console has an advantage. This model comes with a lock, so you can securely store your valuables behind lock and key. Do you mainly use the console as storage space for snacks and peripherals? Then we recommend the luxury center console. The lid is fully removable, so you can easily reach into the storage space with an armrest down. Ideal when you quickly want to grab a drink on the go.

What Do You Expect from the Design?

Are you a true car enthusiast? Then you'll naturally want a new accessory to add to the look of your commercial vehicle. There's a good chance you have a preference for the luxury Renault Trafic center console. The storage compartments and front of the console are covered with precisely fitted faux leather upholstery. A bit further up, you'll find the lid, which is made of glossy plastic with chrome trim around the storage compartments. And let's be honest: that looks a lot more stylish than the plain black of the all-round console.

Invest in Additional Accessories for Your Cabin

As one of the largest suppliers of rugged commercial vehicle accessories, we offer much more than a center console for the Renault Trafic. What do you think of the following top picks:

Wind Deflectors: Do you like driving with the windows open on a warm summer day? Then install wind deflectors and minimize annoying wind noise. Then you can actually hear the music or your conversation partner.

Roof Rack: Did you know we offer a roof rack bieden voor iedere vervoersklus? En met de aanvullende accessoires zet je het vervoerssysteem helemaal naar je hand. 

Sidebars: Protect the body on the side of your commercial vehicle with sturdy Ford Transit Custom  side bars.

Installation? Just Do It Yourself

You can easily install a center console for the Renault Trafic yourself. Simply place the supplied mounting frame between the seats and then slide the console in. This task will take you no more than five minutes. If you're picking up the accessory at our location in Veghel (North Brabant), you can also outsource the installation job to the professionals in our workshop. Of course, at a very competitive rate. That's what we call service. See you soon!

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